Vegetation index: Mathematical combinations of the surface reflectance at two or more spectral bands to highlight specific characteristics of interest of vegetation for the analysis of multispectral or hyperspectral imagery.
Vertical Component: The strength and direction of the magnetic field that is oriented perpendicular to the Earth’s surface, pointing either upwards or downwards.
Visible Light Imaging: Also known as photography. A sensor technique that uses visible light to document surfaces and objects, resulting in optical images.
Visible spectrum: Band of the electromagnetic spectrum which can be sensed by the human eye and interpreted as colours. The wavelengths of the visible spectrum range from 380 nm to 780 nm.
Visualization: Range of techniques used in the creation of interpretable images, diagrams, or maps representing data models.
Volumetric heat capacity: The thermodynamic property which describes the amount of thermal energy that a given volume of an object or surface must absorb to change the temperature of that object by 1 °C.