
A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U V W #

Thermal conductivity: Thermodynamic property which describes the quantity of heat that can be transported through an object or material.

Thermal diffusivity: Thermodynamic property which describes the speed with which an object or material conducts thermal radiation.

Thermal Inertia: Thermodynamic property which dictates the ability of a material to resist changes in temperature.

Thermogram: Imagery resulting from the thermographic imaging process.

Thermography: Sensor technique that measures infrared radiation to capture surface temperature variations, enabling the mapping of subsurface structures.

Time slice: GPRimage of the subsoil at a specific depth, acquired by combining the radar signals from a specified time interval.

Total Field Magnetometers: Measure the Earth’s total magnetic field intensity and provide detailed insights into archaeological materials. More sensitive than gradiometers, they are better suited for Dutch conditions but are prone to interference from modern metal objects, limiting use near urban or industrial areas. Typically hand-held.

Transceiver: A component of a remote sensing or geophysical system capable of both transmitting and receiving signals.

Transect: An (imaginary) line established across water and/or land along which measurements are taken. Oftentimes a study area is divided into a grid of transects to cover the entire surface.

Transmission: Process of electromagnetic radiation passing through an object or surface (like light through glass).