Magnetometry: Geophysical sensor technique that detects variations in the magnetic field of the soil, often used to locate subsurface structures.
Model: An abstract representation of reality. See also data model.
Monitoring: Measuring and sensing of the physical condition of archaeological monuments based on predetermined aspects using appropriate means and over an agreed-upon period. The goal is to gain insight into the physical degradation process of archaeological monuments and to assess the effectiveness of implemented measures to mitigate degradation.
Multibeam Echo Sounder (MBES): Sonar sensor technique that sends out multiple sound waves at once to create a detailed, full-coverage map of the seafloor.
Multispectral imaging: Sensor technique used to capture images using multiple distinct spectral bands, which extend beyond the range of visible light in the electromagnetic spectrum.
Multiple (Sub-Bottom Profiler): A type of noise in seismic data caused by sound waves reflecting multiple times between the water surface and the seabed.