Image: Result of the sensing process; a visual representation of data.
Image-based modelling (IBM): The use of two-dimensional images to generate 3D models.
Imaging sensor: Types of sensor which capture data in the form of images. Examples include optical, multispectral and hyperspectral sensors. As opposed to a non-imaging sensor.
Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU): Sensor that tracks movement by measuring an object’s accelerations and rotations in three directions. IMUs typically consist of accelerometers and gyroscopes and are used to determine position, speed, and orientation.
Infrared: Electromagnetic radiation in the spectral band which encompasses wavelengths from around 780 nm to 1 mm. Commonly divided into Near Infrared (NIR), from 0.78-1.4 µm, Short-wavelength Infrared (SWIR), from 1.4-3 µm, Mid-wavelength Infrared (MWIR), from 3-8 µm, Long-wavelength Infrared (LWIR) or Thermal Infrared, from 8-15 µm, and Far Infrared (FIR), 15-1000 µm.