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Geophysics: Exploration of the Earth’s interior by using measurements of physical properties taken at or near the surface, along with mathematical models to help understand and predict the Earth’s structure and behavior.

Geophysical prospection:  Method to locate and further investigate archaeological features and/or geological phenomena below the surface through the use of geophysical techniques.

Georeferencing: The process of (correctly) positioning a digital image or map relative to a geodetic or geographical coordinate system.

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS): A system of satellites providing autonomous positioning data with global coverage for determining the location of a receiver anywhere on Earth. An example of a GNSS is GPS.

Global Positioning System (GPS): One of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). This allows satellite navigation devices to determine their location on earth.

Global shutter: Type of imagesensor in which all pixels capture light simultaneously when a photo is taken. This differs from a rolling shutter, where pixels are exposed one by one. The global shutter prevents distortions in fast-moving objects or during the capture of rapid motion, as the entire image is captured at once.

Gradiometers/Vector Magnetometers: Measure the Earth’s magnetic field direction, resistant to interference from modern metal structures and objects, and suitable for mapping archaeological traces globally. However, their sensitivity may be insufficient in the Netherlands due to low soil-archaeology contrast.

Ground-penetrating Radar (GPR): Geophysical sensor technique that uses radar waves to detect and map underground structures and objects. Radar waves are transmitted into the ground, and the reflected signals are used to create an image of the subsurface.